Friday, December 14, 2018

Immigration in Italy is falling

Once upon a time there was a country.
A built one, or better, governed by words and lies.
A nation where the movement of Italian citizens from the south to the north in the last year has increased again.
Read also how the regular face of so-called economic migrants rob jobs and the future: the Italian immigrants...

It means, less young people in the south, less hope and optimism, and more votes to political parties who create phobias and fuel depression.
Once upon a time, there was also a land where, in the past year, foreign immigration was in sharp decline, even before the advent of the defending borders leaders.
A country, to be precise, that the rate of foreign immigration for every 1,000 residents places in the 22nd place in European ranking.
Once upon a time, therefore, the State where Italian and immigrant inhabitants were both diminished.
Once upon a time there were facts, that is, numbers*.
In short, reality.
At the same time, we have got a country where immigration is the problem.
That’s today Italy for real...

*Data from Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics)

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